Pai Cow Legend

Pai Cow is small and white white cow-shape cattle that lives in central China’s steppes. Her name is from the Chinese term, Pai, meaning low; and literal meaning high. The other story says that Pai lived in a small village having a huge herd of reindeers in the far north of Mongolia. She became extremely well known because of her being able to tame all kinds of wild animals, including wolves. She gained a reputation in China, America, Japan and Europe.

From where did Pai Cow originate? Many theories exist about the origins of this well-known Chinese character. Some say that she was the original female counterpart of the evil Chinese wolf-spirit, 먹튀검증 사이트 the same source of the dragon tales we know today. Oder, her mother may have named her after a white-bearded cow, to make it seem like he was the one who gave her the name.

Another idea is that Pai was the daughter of the chief of the Kiangsi (Kung Shi) district. Chief Kiangsi adopted a young lady from whom he had some cows. Pai was her name and she is believed to have been the wife of Mount Paektu, the Sun God. There isn’t any evidence that these tales are true. Many modern scholars believe Pai may have been a white milk cow (mangosteen), found in high-altitude snow mountains of the Anhui Province.

It is fitting that the Pai Cow be called this. The Pai Cow was not a symbol of luck or good fortune in China’s western region, but she is well-known in Manchuria and eastern cultures. The Manchuria government launched a campaign in the late nineteen-hundreds to highlight the beauty and genius of Li Xian (a Chinese poet who created popular fantasy stories for children) One of these, The White Crane Girl, was to be based on the legend of Pai Cow. In addition, Li Xian incorporated many other animals in his story, including the reindeer and the cow-of-the-field.

Li Xian discovers that Pai Cow is true through one story. As he was riding along an orchard in the morning, he saw that the cards were being dealt differently. Each group had three cards, one each in the top and bottom. The worst part was that he was not able to see the pattern because the dealer was actually a woman wearing a cowling of red color.

After the couple left the orchard, the old man was taller than the woman and had a long and narrow white face. According to the woman, the man couldn’t see clearly and there weren’t seven cards. But he was able to guess the numbers correctly. Li Xian witnessed them. He immediately recognized that the man was gifted with extraordinary psychic abilities. In order to strengthen his conviction, Li Xian told the old man that they lived in central Chinese high-snow mountain towns.

He discovered that each card has a different meaning when he visited the library looking for information on the seven-card reading. A meaning of the first card is “Ming.” This can translate into “infinite”, or “eternity”. The meaning of the second card is “beast.” Baiba, the third and last card, means “bitterness and selfish.” Shi, the fourth and final card means “severe cruelty.”

According to a Chinese legend, the meaning of seven cards is different. This myth states that each card has two pictures. First is the body of the dead, or fu-long which means white cow. Second meaning refers to the astral black body which was once its owner. The Pai cow of today, also known as a black cow and a white belly is the Pai cow.

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